Check Permutation

Dado duas strings, escreva uma função que decida se uma é permuta da outra.


Solução 1

 * This solution sounds more simple, 
   but the Big O complexity is greater

  - First, the spread operator is probably 
    a loop behind the scenes
  - To sort, we need to loop through the elements, 
    and depend of the sort algorithm, it can take a 
    lot of time to complete

  - Finally, we have to iterate again to 
    join the array into string

  Also, we have a extra use of memory space compare 
  to the checkPermutation function

const checkPermutationOrdered = (setence1, setence2) => {
  if (setence1.length !== setence2.length) {
    return false

  const sentence1Ordered = [...setence1].sort().join('')
  const sentence2Ordered = [...setence2].sort().join('')

  return sentence1Ordered === sentence2Ordered

Solução 2

 * Firstly, Strings with different sizes 
   are not permutation one for other.

  If they are the same size, we can check with all 
  the characters from string 1 exists in the string 2

const checkPermutation = (setence1, setence2) => {
  if (setence1.length !== setence2.length) {
    return false

  for (const character of setence1) {
    if (!setence2.includes(character)) {
      return false

  return true